Monday, November 30, 2009

Every parting is a form of death,
as every reunion is a type of heaven.
When I go away from you
The world beats dead
Like a slackened drum....

In true love the smallest distance is too great,
and the greatest distance can be bridged.

Life is so short,
so fast the lone hours fly,
We ought to be together, you and I,
I wish...

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Where you used to be,
there is a hole in the world,
which I find myself constantly walking around in the daytime,
and falling in at night.
At that time, i was keep asking myself,
is that love and what's love ?and i found the answer...
Love is missing someone whenever you're apart,
but somehow feeling warm inside because you're close in heart.
Is that true ?
i don't know, it's just my opinion of what's love definite as.

Sometimes, when one person is missing,
the whole world seems depopulated.
I think that one will be only you...
If u see this post,u will know who i'm talking ,
just only you,
won't be others...i knew u will know !

Can miles truly separate you from friends....
If you want to be with someone you love,
aren't you already there?
Nothing makes the earth seem so spacious as to have friends at a distance,
because it's just latitude and longitude only...
If I had a single flower for every time I think about you,
and I could walk forever and forever in my garden.

Within you I lose myself...
Without you I find myself...
Wanting to be lost again....

Love reckons hours for months,
and days for years,
and every little absence is an age....
What shall I do with all the days and hours,
That must be counted ere I see thy face?
How shall I charm the interval that lowers
between this time and that sweet time of grace?
Does anyone know ?

I think about you constantly,
whether it's with my mind or my heart.
I keep coming back to you in my head,
but you couldn't know that
I am tired,
of chafing my heart against
the want of you;
of squeezing it into little inkdrops,
And posting it.

Why can't we get all the people together in the world that we really like and then just stay together?
I guess that wouldn't work.
Someone would leave.
Someone always leaves.
Then we would have to say good-bye...
I hate good-byes...
I know what I need.. .
I need more hellos. ....

Monday, November 23, 2009

ALL we should know...

1.就算,眼前的这个男人 ,千般好 ,万般好 , 处处是优点 , 他不爱你 , 这个缺点 ,你永远改变不了 。

2.分手时 ,不哭 。 当然 ,不是要你一点都不哭 。 当着面 ,别哭, 背地里 ,往死里哭。

3.一个人最大的缺点 , 不是自私 , 野蛮 ,任性 , 而是偏执的爱着一个不爱自己的人 。

4.不管你的条件有多差 ,总会有个人在爱你 。 不管你的条件有多好 ,也总有个人不爱你 。

5.抓住男人的不二法门 , 应该就是 , 永远不要让他满足 。

6.打扮的再美 , 穿的再昂贵 , 那只是个幌子 ,用善良做的外衣才是真的美。

7.如果我们责怪爱情伤害勒我们 , 那请问 , 开始的时候是不是你点头答应爱情的来临.

8.能开口说出的委屈 , 便不是委屈 。 能离开的人 , 便不算是爱人 。

9.所有爱着的人 , 爱过的人 ,都做着同一件事 , 犯贱 。

10.心里能装着一些时间带不走的淡淡悲伤 , 也是一种幸福 。

11.人永远是寂寞而自我的生物 。 无论多么真诚的说出自己的爱 , 也总会有无法被理解的心情 。

12.不卑不亢 , 从容优雅 , 面对一切 。

13.一个人 ,如果没空 ,那是因为他不想有空 , 一个人 ,如果走不开 ,那是因为不想走开 , 一个人 ,对你借口太多 ,那是因为不想在乎 。

14.有的事情 ,没法说明 。 你觉得值 ,就值 , 你觉得不值 ,别人说值 ,你也觉得不值 。

15.要明白一个道理, 男人可是轻易的喜欢一个人 , 但不会轻易的爱上一个人。

16.女人 ,恋爱的时候 , 就像 ,与世隔绝般 。

17.在风平浪静的日子里 , 留点空间给自己 , 留点空间给对方 , 留点美好给距离 。

18.有的时候不要太计较, 男人都有点粗枝大叶 , 忘了一件事 ,不代表他不爱你 , 别自己吓自己 。

19.女人 ,往往喜欢坦白心事 , 男人 ,则恰恰相反 。

20.有时候 , 学会把失望当次一种收获 , 因为有祈望 ,才会有失望。

21.女人的心慈手软 , 与男人的口是心非 , 成正比 。

22.不要妄想试图改变谁 , 因为谁也改变不了谁 , 只有 ,他愿不愿意为你改变 。

23.张爱玲说过 , 时间 , 可以了解爱情 , 可以证明爱情 ,也可以推翻爱情。

24.自由可贵 , 但是 ,每天数以万计的人 , 在用自由换取爱情 。

25.你可以虚荣 , 因为,那是女人的天性 , 但 ,不要让自己变成为别人增加虚荣的工具 。

26.不要说 ,这世上没个好男人了 , 不要去记恨那个抛弃你的人 , 毕竟曾经爱过你 , 疼过你 , 宽容会让你更美丽 。

27.不要去好奇 , 不要去关心 , 他的现任女友长得如何 ,身材如何 , 你这样只是自寻烦恼罢了 。

28.说过的话一定要做到 , 哪怕是很愚蠢的 , 也总比言而无信的好 。

29.不要在你哭泣的时候 , 说气话 ,下决定 , 你会后悔的 。

30.他说 ,我累了 ,让我冷静一段时间 ,好么? 你就说好 ,因为 ,他是来通知你的 ,不是来征得你同意的 。

31.你清纯就罢, 你假装清纯 ,比丑还难看 ,明白么?

32.不是所有的努力都会成功 ,但是 ,不努力 ,就一定不会成功 。

33.女孩子要自爱 , 不管你遇到多大的打击 ,不管你遇到的情况多么悲凉 , 借故堕落 ,也是堕落 , 越是不爱自己 ,越是没人爱你。

34.美貌 ,智慧 ,金钱 , 很多事, 都是天生注定的 , 别想用你那嫉妒心 ,改变什么。

35.小心眼 ,嫉妒心 ,仇恨 ,报复 ,女人的伎俩不过如此 , 你要施展没关系 ,关系的是 你别被人发现。

36.放好心态 , 失去的东西 ,不要悲伤 ,你就当 ,他本身就不属于你。

37.尽量做个 ,优雅 的女子 。 千万别做作 , 因为 , 做作的女人 ,不仅女人讨厌 ,男人更讨厌 。

38.独立 ,永远。 不管 ,感情 还是 金钱。

39.不要在哪几个场合相信男人的话呢 ? 床上 , 他开心的时候 ,有求于你的时候 , 犯错的时候。

40.不要想尽办法的向很多人炫耀 , 你有很多男朋友或者男性朋友。 因为 ,别人不仅不会羡慕你 ,只会看轻你 。

41.不要整天问 ,你爱我么 ? 当你问的时候 ,他就不爱你了 。

42.要相信 ,这句话 。再轰轰烈烈的爱侣 , 也比不上 平平淡淡的 父母 。

43. 20以下 ,你相信偶像剧 ,那就算了。 20以上 ,你还相信偶像剧 ,那就完了。

44.要知道 , 一个男人好与坏 , 不是看他花心还是专一,自古男人都花心 ,而是要看 ,有没有 控制力。

45.有没有发现 ,往往刻骨铭心的爱恋 。 通 常 ,没有好 结果 。

46.烟 ,和酒, 从古至今, 被公认为 两大毒 药。 而对, 女人 ,爱情这一样 ,足以致命 。

47.勇敢的女人 ,永远比懦弱的女人 美丽。 如果 ,你的爱人不爱你, 我劝你还是勇敢点分离 , 好过 ,懦弱的纠缠。

48.善于妥协的女人 ,很宝贵 。 但是, 只善于妥协的女人 ,很廉价。

49.不要做女强人 ,要做 强女人 。
What i m doing recently ?
can somebody tell me what the main purpose for me
to doing these?nobody will know ,except me...myself !
i m still lost my way of my life,
i was keeping enjoy the college life,
and forgot what i want ,what i should to do and
what is the mostly importance thing for me...
there is not time for me to lose,
no time for me in doing something ...

Holidays starting = it's the time for student to find a part time job ???

As i believe that ,all of the student is just want to earn some pickings,
some of them will save the income of the earned,
some of them will use their income to suffice for their vainglory to buy branded product,
some of them is just want to make them busy for their holidays,
some of them was forcing by their financial condition to working as well,
some of them choose to give a hand for their family business ...
By the way,
some of them choose to staying at home with the excuse STUDY ?
has u all consider carefully ?
will u all really use all the time to study ?
to bust one 'ass for your study ?or just surfing the Internet ?i think u all more lucid then me...

It's depend upon everyone...

Thursday, November 19, 2009

I found yoU....

since you are the only one that i seen,
who's gorgeous,
who's out of ordinary,
who's individuality,
and i accepted ur challenging,
i will follow the rule made by you,
i won't break the rule,
and i will get successful at the last,
because i believe...

i will liquidate my messed life-style recently,
and only treat you good...

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Simple meaning for "P R O M I S E"...

P - punctual
R - rethink
O - obey
M - must
I - indubitable
S - sacrifices
E - every time

Friday, November 6, 2009















当他们三十多岁的时候, 事业有成, 成熟稳重.

这是个笑话, 但也是个事实.



很有意思就po上来了咯 =)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

3 Nov

Early in the morning before going out to school,
my water bottle was made water because of my careless that
did't fasten up the bottle cover and put it into bag,
and this cause all my stuff in my bag soaked in liquid.

then, i was rushing to college hall sat for econ exam,
while the time i get the paper,
i gapemounthed,
what the question came out was the question paper
i put on my desk yesterday night but i did't read through it...
quite easy,but i wont scored all correct on MCQ part like last time.

after finished that,
pure math exam,
unfortunately thing happened ,

while i was doing on my pure math paper,
through and through ,
i found that my calculator was totally out of function,
can u imagine that how the situation was ?
my mind was totally all blank,
don't know wat to do,
almost all the question i answered till half and stopped...
at the moment,i felt that i was

no choice,
no help,
no succor,

and i sat on my seat till end of the examination oly i leave...

this's wat the people said
"fortune's wheel"
and i understood now...
all of that like set up before already...

Do we can make it difference ?
i still believe everything happened ,
must have it's reason...
so, don't ever do bad thing...