Sunday, December 13, 2009

Love Choice

As I believe that wherever you are right now is the result of what you’ve done in the past.
Supernatural Law of Nature, cause and effect, always applies in life.
And of course, what you are doing today will impact your tomorrow outcome.
That's CHOICE...include LOVE !

How would you describe your current relationship (or future relationship, if you don’t have one now)
with your partner in one word?
Vigorous ?Passionate? Tragic? Drama? Enlightened? Ecstasy? Lucky?
ambiguous ?

3 simple steps process are for you to make CONSCIOUS CHOICE about your relationship...
It's just my opinion ...

1: Make a Wish List
2: Bridge the Gap
3: Growth Your Choice

and I always confident believe that

MIRACLE will happen when you keep with faith, wisdom and perseverance in action.

Class end!